August 11, 2022

None of us like our jobs all the time. There are days when the alarm clock starts blaring, and we would rather bury our heads under the pillow and forget the world. It could be the workload, an annoying co-worker, or the general feeling that we’d rather be doing anything else. But what to do when those days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months? What if going to your job starts to feel like a chore, and you dread it more and more?

That’s when you step back and analyze your situation. You might be in a toxic work environment, harming your well-being. Here it’s important to note that we aren’t only mentioning the stress-related jobs, like those in the medical field or law enforcement. Any job has the potential to turn sour and cause harm to your mental and physical health. Some signs can help you tell if your job is affecting your health.

Let’s have a look at them:

Shortness of Breath

Do you feel you can’t catch your breath, even when resting? That’s because the body is in a state of panic and is preparing itself for combat. Many factors may cause this, such as a fast-paced work environment or an authoritative boss. It can lead to cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat.

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Sometimes, the situation could be worse than anxiety. Physical working conditions that include exposure to substances like asbestos can also cause shortness of breath, one of the many symptoms of mesothelioma. Veterans, especially, are at a higher risk as they may have been exposed to asbestos during their service. The mesothelioma veterans center can assist you in understanding your rights and options if you’re a veteran suffering from this disease.

Difficulty Falling Asleep

Do you spend at least an hour turning and tossing in bed before finally dozing off? Do you face difficulty in clearing your mind of the day’s work? It’s common to have a racing mind after a long, tiring day. But if it starts becoming a norm, it’s alarming. When our bodies are in a continuous fight or flight mode, they pump excessive amounts of adrenaline and cortisol. These are stress hormones that make it hard to sleep. As a result, you might find yourself dealing with insomnia or hypersomnia. If you don’t take immediate action, you could weaken your immunity, face a dip in your libido, and even suffer from memory loss.

Take a break from work to set your mind at ease. You can try some relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. Alternatively, aromatherapy or a warm bath before bedtime can help you sleep better.

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Loss of Appetite or Overeating

Are you stuffing yourself with an entire pint of ice cream every night while binge-watching your favorite show? Or are you facing some severe food aversion? Either way, your job and the stressful working conditions could be to blame. Ghrelin, a hormone, regulates your appetite. When stressed, your body produces more ghrelin, leading to overeating and weight gain.

Conversely, some people lose their appetite when they’re under stress. The body perceives stress as a rising threat and diverts all its resources to deal with it, including blood flow to the stomach. If you notice the scale tipping in either direction, it’s time to take a break and de-stress. You can also practice mindful eating to get your appetite back on track.

Constant Headaches

Stress can also manifest itself as physical pain, like headaches. Tension headaches are the most common and recurring type caused by stress. You might feel a throbbing sensation or tightness in your temples or neck. In some cases, the pain could be so severe that it interferes with your daily activities.

If you find yourself popping painkillers more often than you’d like, it’s a sign that your body isn’t in its best shape. So, find ways to unwind and reduce stress to eliminate the pain. Exercise, yoga, and deep breathing are some methods that can help. Also, get a good night’s sleep and eat healthy foods to reduce the frequency of headaches.

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Your Social Life is Falling Apart

If you’re so caught up in your work that you don’t have time for your friends and family, there’s something wrong with your situation. When you’re stressed, you might not feel like socializing. Or you could be too tired to go out and have fun. As a result, you start distancing yourself from the people you care about and love. It can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

If you notice your social life taking a hit, it’s time to take a step back and reassess your priorities. Make sure you’re making time for the people who matter to you – the dollars can always wait.

You’re Always Sick

This one is probably the most alarming sign that something is wrong. If you get sick more often than usual, it’s a sign that your body is under immense stress. When you’re stressed, your immunity takes a hit. As a result, your susceptibility to colds and flu increases. You might also experience other health problems like gastrointestinal issues, heart disease, and cancer.

If you notice a sudden uptick in your sick days, it’s time to re-evaluate your work situation. It’s viable to discuss the issue with your supervisor. Alternatively, you might also want to consider changing jobs if the situation is unamendable.

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Although we all want to progress and reach heights while we are still in the prime of our lives, it is essential not to lose sight of our well-being. A job that makes us sacrifice our health is not worth it in the long run. If your job is harming your well-being, it’s time to take action. Talk to your boss, take a break, or even consider changing jobs. The most crucial thing is not to ignore the signs that your body is giving you.

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