October 5, 2021

This Gas Mask water pipe has adjustable head straps that will suit most people’s heads comfortably. There is no avoiding the hit while smoking the gas mask pipe – since it is a mask pipe, it is literally in your face till you empty it!


What’s the Story Behind the Gas Mask water pipe?

The idea behind a bong gas mask is straightforward. You essentially strap yourself into a gas mask, load it with marijuana smoke, and turn yourself into your own little hot box.


If you want to purchase a gas mask bong, you can generally get them at any head shop and, depending on where you live, even a good number of corner shops. They’ve also become a fixture at a number of street, art, and music festivals, as well as other comparable locations where sellers sell odd items. In general, plan to spend between $40 and $75.


How to Use pipe with a Gas Mask?

Don’t worry if you’re wondering how to use a gas mask bong; it’s not that different from hitting a normal bong. Attach the bong to the gas mask and fill it with water. Fill the bowl halfway with ground-up marijuana. Loosen the straps at the rear of the gas mask and pull it over your head. Place the gas mask over your face and insert the mouthpiece. Tighten the straps until they are snug and comfortable.

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After that, insert the bowl into the bong, light it up, and clean the chamber. The gas mask will fill with smoke at this moment. If your gas mask is functioning correctly, you should be able to exhale freely without forcing air down the bong.


Inhale until you’ve cleared the bong, then relax in your own little heated box. When you’ve gotten your fill, just relax the straps and remove the mask. Things may become a bit clumsy at times, so avoid banging the bong part around too much. You may want to remove the mask first, then unplug the bong.


Adjustable head straps:

This Gas Mask pipe has adjustable head straps that will suit most people’s heads comfortably. There is no avoiding the hit while smoking the gas mask pipe – since it is a mask pipe, it is literally in your face till you empty it! Bring your gas mask to the party for everyone to try on and you’ll be the star of the party. The gas mask bong was designed for partying and having a good time!

The gas mask guarantees that no smoke escapes, allowing you to enjoy the maximum effect with no waste. The gas mask has an acrylic water pipe that fits snugly within the mask. The mask comes with a completely adjustable Down stem and the option to remove the bowl simply screwing it off. Colors will be selected at random and may vary. Colors displayed on product images are just samples; there may be other colors available that may be selected that are not shown on product images. Styles of water pipes will vary based on availability.

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Gas mask water pipe which is considered by consumers:

Smoking from a pipe isn’t always enough. There comes a point in every stoner’s life when they wake up and think, “Hey, I need to strap my face into a gas mask pipe and just see where life takes me.” Today is the big day! Gas mask bongs are an excellent method to get high off your stash while using considerably less.


During our study, we made sure that the mask was comfortable to wear, that it was simple to smoke, that no smoke was wasted, and that it was comfortable to trap smoke in with your face. The next day, we compared a normal water pipe to each of the gas mask bongs to see how high we could get with the marijuana mask vs a bong.


If you’re new to marijuana smoking masks, we suggest skipping ahead to learn how to utilize a gas mask bong. If this is your first time smoking marijuana, we have created the ultimate beginner’s guide.


Constant Variables:

When the crew mentioned trying marijuana gas masks, everyone raised their hands. What the gas mask bong lacks in practicality, it makes up for in entertainment value. The whole crew had a great time trying out the various masks over the course of eight days (7 days for the mask 1 day to compare to a standard water pipe). We used.25 grams of CBX Ice Cream Cake Weed per bowl. The strain has 28.04 percent THC,.81 percent CBD, and 32.48 percent total cannabinoids.

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In our quest for the finest gas mask bong, we looked at water filtration, smoke cooling, acrylic glass quality, and downstream efficiency. Not only that, but we searched the internet for hundreds of reviews and put the cannabis mask bongs to the test against the complaints and compliments to see how well each gas mask bong performed.

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