April 5, 2023


Have you ever heard of Jossy Mansur? He is a businessman from Curacao who has made a name for himself in the world of business. With his ventures, he has achieved a tremendous amount of success and wealth. But how rich is Jossy Mansur, exactly? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the details of his net worth and explore the various aspects of his life and career.

Early Life and Career

Jossy Mansur was born in Curacao and spent most of his early life there. He was always interested in business and entrepreneurship. At an early age, he started exploring different business opportunities and ideas. He enrolled at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands to pursue his degree in business management. After completing his degree, he returned to Curacao and began his career in the business world.

Business Ventures and Success

Mansur’s success in business started with his involvement in the local newspaper, “The Extra”. He later founded a publishing company that published magazines and newspapers in various languages. One of his more notable publications is “Solo di Pueblo,” an entertainment magazine that is popular throughout the Caribbean and South America.

Apart from publishing, Mansur has also ventured into other fields of business. He is the founder and owner of the Palace Casino Group, which has casinos in multiple locations throughout the Caribbean and South America. Additionally, he has been involved in real estate development and has built several hotels and commercial buildings.

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Jossy Mansur’s Net Worth

Based on his extensive business success, Jossy Mansur’s net worth is estimated to be $900 million. It is important to note, however, that his wealth has not only been generated through his various business ventures, but also from investments in other companies and organizations.


Q. What is the source of Jossy Mansur’s wealth?

A. Jossy Mansur’s wealth stems from his various business ventures and investments, primarily in the publishing, casino, and real estate industries.

Q. How did Jossy Mansur get his start in business?

A. Jossy Mansur’s interest in business started at an early age. He pursued a degree in business management and later returned to Curacao to begin his career in the business world.

Q. What notable publications has Jossy Mansur been involved in?

A. Jossy Mansur has been involved in various publications throughout his career, including “The Extra” and “Solo di Pueblo,” an entertainment magazine popular throughout the Caribbean and South America.

Q. Is Jossy Mansur involved in any other industries besides publishing?

A. Yes, Jossy Mansur is involved in other industries, including real estate development and the casino industry. He is the founder and owner of the Palace Casino Group, which has multiple locations throughout the Caribbean and South America.

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Q. How much is Jossy Mansur’s net worth?

A. Jossy Mansur’s net worth is estimated to be $900 million.

Q. What investments has Jossy Mansur made besides his own businesses?

A. Jossy Mansur has made investments in various companies and organizations, drawing from his experience and success in the business world.

Q. What advice can we learn from Jossy Mansur’s success?

A. Jossy Mansur’s success is largely attributed to his ability to identify and pursue lucrative business opportunities that align with his skills and interests. His story highlights the importance of education, hard work, and a keen entrepreneurial spirit.

Lessons from Jossy Mansur’s Success

Jossy Mansur’s success is proof that with the right mindset, education, hard work, and a daring entrepreneurial spirit, anything is possible. Here are some lessons we can learn from his success:

– Identify your passions and interests and pursue them.
– Invest in your education and obtain the necessary skills and knowledge for your chosen career path.
– Network and build relationships with other successful people in your industry.
– Take calculated risks and seek out lucrative business opportunities.
– Never give up, even in the face of challenges and setbacks.


Jossy Mansur’s journey as a businessman and entrepreneur showcases the limitless possibilities that can be achieved through hard work, perseverance, and a passion for what you do. His story is an inspiration to anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit, proving that with the right mindset and resources, anything is possible. Whether you’re looking to start your own business or simply seeking inspiration for your personal and professional life, the lessons from Jossy Mansur’s success can serve as a guide to help you build a successful and fulfilling life.

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