December 18, 2021

It’s that time of the year again when the jingling of the bells and the sweet smell of the cakes being baked seem to mingle in the air. All of us here know that Christmas is the most favourite season for children. Isn’t it the right time to present the students with some lovely goodies and see their faces getting lit up while sitting on the other side of the screen? Being a teacher, it would be great if you can take the initiative to organize this fun game in the class.


You can use the online teaching classes to conduct some interesting Christmas events to bring in some form of entertainment to the monotonous lives of the students. And, what better way can there be to celebrate this lovely season than to make the students take part in Secret Santa virtually?


Believe it or not, students of every grade look forward to indulging in sweet activities and receiving some gifts. No matter if they are in elemental or higher standards, every one of them deserves to take part in this special activity.


In this blog article, we will share with you some amazing tips to play Secret Santa online in the classroom apps that you primarily use to teach online. Let’s now see what the awesome ways to conduct Secret Santa virtually are!

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Ways To Conduct Virtual Secret Santa Game In Online Classes

Step #1: Take Aid Of A Secret Santa Name Generator


Of course, there are various ways to group the students in pairs for the super-secret Christmas game. You can do it either randomly or using any app or website. There are several apps and websites available online to help your name generating act for the game easier. All you have to do is prepare the list of the student pairs, and determine which student is going to be the Secret Santa of whom. Do it carefully, after all, you are going to be the secret keeper of this fun game for the kids.

Step #2: Fixate On A Particular Budget Range


Make sure that you have specified a particular budget range because all the students need to be happy with their gifts and not sulk or get disappointed after comparing each others’ gifts with others. Their childish minds may get upset if the gifts of their peers come with a greater price tag. So, specify a particular budget range and ask your students to send gifts to each other virtually, that is, by using any of their preferable online sites or app.

Step #3: Decide On The Date Of Virtual Gift Exchange


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Inform the students of the date by which the game has to be wrapped up. The idea is to set a deadline by which they need to complete giving each other gifts. This is crucial to ensure all the students get their gifts from their Secret Santa mates by or before Christmas.

Step #4: Ask Them To Ship The Gifts Wittily


Since the entire contest is taking place virtually, the students need to ship the gifts to their peers without discussing their names, else the fun of the game would be spoiled. What can be done in this context, is that you can ask the students to write their name in the sender’s address and name. After all, you are the organizer. So, it won’t be a bad idea to strategize this fun game in this manner for the students.

Step #5: Host A Special Meet Online To Let The Students Guess Their Secret Santa Post Gift-Reception


Now comes the most interesting part of the event! Organize a special meet for the students and ask them to guess each others’ Santas, based upon the gift and note that they had received. Of course, every student has to attach some interesting hint on the special note that is to be sent along with the gift. Once the guesswork has been done, you can hold a special carnival virtually by encouraging the students to sing their favourite carols, talk about their most-loved Christmas-based tale, recite any poem, and can do any cultural activity that best suits the occasion.

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Final Words

Your students will surely love the Secret Santa game ahead of this merry season. So, buckle up, and plan out this event to see that smile on your students’ faces. Merry Christmas!

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