Before the advent of the pandemic, no one could believe that such an awesome thing as that of online education can even exist. Thanks to the sophisticated technological advancements, taking online classes has now become a breeze. It’s all just so simplified! By making use of the Learning Management System to conduct classes and taking the aid of ERP to ensure proper management of educational affairs in an institution, the learning gaps seem to be getting filled or bridged by the robust support of technology.
What is even more awesome is the help of the Government Of India in making sure that all the students get to access the basic need of getting educated! Initiation of the schemes such as Pradhan Mantri e-VIDYA to DIKSHA has helped the learning community to receive education with the same degree of intensity as they would have done in usual circumstances.
Positive Aspect Of Online Classes
- Online learning has proved to be more student-friendly as compared to the conventional one. Owing to the advent of e-learning, students are made the pivot of the classes around which the teaching-learning process takes place. As a result, the students get increased attention and emphasis at the time of learning in the virtual classroom. The room for greater interaction in online classes has made it an extremely good option for the students to receive a top-notch education.
- E-learning facilitates education in the sense that students receive well-customized instructions from the educators and get the chance to receive full support from their teachers.
- Virtual learning offers the excellent benefit of sparking greater interaction between the teachers and students. This is because several other options have been opened up for better communication between the teachers and students. The class hours are not the only limit for the students to communicate with their mentors. They can use chat options, mails, online discussion forums, social media groups, and various other options to communicate with their teachers and make the most of online classes.
How Online Education Is Reducing Gaps And Making Education A Connected Affair Among The Students Across The World?
Technology has helped the global community in crossing the barrier and interconnecting the entire world together. Now that the benefits of online education have been felt by the students at large, it becomes imperative to look at some of the most fascinating aspects of e-learning.
#1: Personalised Lessons
Teachers personalising the lessons is a great thing to do because the students feel a great sense of comfort and derive support from their mentors. Making good use of the chat options, and giving feedback to every student separately are some of the gestures by the teachers that give the students a personalised experience. Relaying personalised instructions to the students aids in better reception of education among the students.
#2: Parent Engagement
Online education has made the engagement of parents in the students’ education easier. Gone are the days when the parents had to wait for their children to return home and then produce their mark sheets and other important documents in front of them. Often, the mischievous students used to keep their parents in the dark about their actual progress in the class. Thanks to the advent of online education and the use of Learning Management systems and ERP by educational institutions, test reports, class performance info, and result graphs are sent to the parents automatically by the software. As a result, the parents get the chance to obtain a clear understanding of their ward’s progress and growth.
#3: Initiates Multi-Cultural Understanding Among The Students
Online education opens the gateways to intensive participation in various discussion groups. Thanks to the connectivity, the students get to connect with students of various cultures and gain awareness about the cultural realm. This is essential in making the students open-minded and aiding them in gaining a better understanding of the world at large.
Final Words
Online education has come as a boon for the entire global community of learners! The students stay interconnected, no matter where they reside. It is only going to develop in the coming days as further technological advancements are going to make this realm prosper to a great extent.