A fast paced world is where we live in. In reality, people have to adapt to be successful. Those who chose to stick to the ways of the old either end up with a hard time or a total failure. The world of marketing is one example of those fields in which a lot of people should consider adapting.
Globalization is something that has given the world an opportunity to witness the rapid growth of technology. This is one field in which people feel like life is moving at a fast paced speed, unlike in the past. It is in this very rapid shift that the need to be flexible also arises. More often than not, industries are demanding changes, something that can only happen when brands adapt. It’s why they should make sure to be in touch with their clients more through social media, online media outlets and the likes.
The ways of old still exist though, and traditional buy and sell methods still do work. For small businesses, however, the doors to a much quicker and easier experience in gaining profit is too widely open for owners to ignore.
For owners to fully capitalize on that “open door,” a lot of things have to be put into consideration: Product quality, the use of the product, the intended markets, even the product itself must be in consideration.
One thing owners fail to take into account is brand reputation. A product only becomes a profit if it sells. A product sells because of its appeal and its overall reputation. Be wary though as there are two types of brand reputation. These two types of reputation are called Favorable and Unfavorable. Favorable reputation is when customers are impressed with your product. They recommend it, they share it through social media, and they make it clear that they are willing to pay for the product or service you provide. Unfavorable reputation is seen when customers are turned off by your products appearance, quality, service, etc. Customers will speak up about their unfavorable opinion creating a negative brand reputation. So how do you manage your brand’s reputation? Click here and find all you need to know about reputation management.
Understanding More About Favorable Reputation?
Favorable reputation is when consumers trust the company and the products or the services they produce. Not only that, customers are more likely to feel good when they become associated with a reliable brand. This trust means that they are more willing to purchase from that company should another rival appear.
Favorable reputation happens when the companies are responsive to the needs of the customers. This positive response reciprocates to the business owners as they gain confidence in their business. Maintaining a favorable reputation is not only great for gaining confidence, but also for increasing sales up to 20%. Favoring reputation can increase ROI by 10% on each dollar spent on advertising. These benefits of favorable reputation translate to every aspect of the business, positively influencing its image and earning potential.
Remember, customer trust is an important element of your business. Without customers, you have no business. Without customers who trust you, you will not be able to sell many products, if any at all. Put simply, customer trust is essential to your success in the business world.
What about Unfavorable Reputation?
Unfavorable reputation is one of the worst things you can have in business. But if you are careful in handling your company’s reputation, it can be turned into a positive rather than a negative thing. Unfavorable reputation borders on the negative. Your company will become well known among all customers who have dealt with you in the past. There are customers who have only experienced the best service from you and have nothing but good things to say about you because of positive impressions they establish about your company. But for some other customers, because of an unfavorable experience they had while dealing with your business, they will not only tell their friends about their bad experience, but also give it good publicity to bring other people to discard your products.
Generally speaking, a product’s value will significantly drop if a company that creates it has an unfavorable reputation. People will even make it a point to give out more negative publicity once they get fed up with a company.
Unfavorable reputation borders on the negative. Consumers will more likely distrust a business if it has a negative reputation. Although in the rarest of times, negative impressions can make some products be highly sought out by a few people.
Why Does Online Reputation Matters?
In today’s modern world, a good online reputation is vital to the success of any business. There is a reason why a lot of companies are making it a point to move their business into the digital sphere. Whether it is social media or the e-commerce website itself, a website has more chances to receive additional visitors if it is built on a strong foundation – its reputation.
Your brand’s reputation is built from one sale at a time, and each sale starts with a single person. So it’s worth it to make sure your brand continually please those people who do decide to purchase your product or service.
Here are some more things to take note of, to bring up your business and online reputation.
Logo and Brand Individuality
A logo can make or break a company. The logo stands for the idea behind the product and company. It is important that a lot of thought and effort are put into the company logo and trademarks to avoid a much bigger headache: Trademark or logo infringement cases.
A perfect example of this is when his Airness, Michael Jordan sued a Chinese company for using “his likeness” in their products. The company even used Jordan’s name, albeit they translated it into its Chinese equivalent: “Qiaodan.”
To avoid this, advertising businesses, marketing companies and other companies provide solutions for small time business owners. They offer services such as giving out potential advice about logo design and printing services like flyer printing, greeting cards printing, and more.
When products make it off the production shelf, not all are equal. Nowadays, advertising about a product may not be enough to draw in customers because they tend to look for more effort from the company or business that offered the product in the first place. These efforts can come in the form of articles, videos, or anything that can provide details on the product or service. This media is more commonly known as Content.
It’s not enough when a business produces a lot of content. Of course, those content should be rich and full of quality. A lot of people today are becoming smarter when it comes to spotting quality content.
Having quality content not only increases brand reputation, but it could also be the door to more potential customers. Search engines love these quality content and often place them higher in rankings. This placement greatly increases the chance for a client to visit an individual site.
Brand reputation is everything. Simple things like reacting to negative comments about a product online can make or break a company.
Comments like these are perfect chances for improvement. Rather than seeing it as an insult, a company should face problems and reasonably act upon it. This way, customers see it as more of an effort, and in time, these clients will trust a company who takes them seriously.