November 3, 2021

The effects of climate change are evident as all the countries have to grapple with them in some form or the other. While volatile weather conditions are one aspect of it, depleting natural resources is another worrisome consequence. When talking about natural reserves, everyone knows about the growing danger of water scarcity.  Reservoirs are shrinking. But being careful toward water usage at an individual level can have a positive impact. You can start to conserve water at home. It will also help you save a few dollars on water bills. On average, an American family pays USD $1,000 for this every year. You can reduce this cost by watching over your daily habits.

A few mindful changes in the kitchen, bathroom, garden, and other places can be beneficial. Here is a quick glimpse into them.


According to studies, households on average cause 10,000 gallons of water wastage a year due to leaking issues, affecting water bills. Hence, it is critical to be careful with how you use water at home. You can track it by looking at a water meter for two hours when no one is using it anywhere in the house. It can indicate if there is a problem with faucets, pipes, or elsewhere. If there is leakage in the toilet, a drop of food coloring added to the toilet tank will appear in the bowl in ten minutes. You can fix it quickly or call a plumber for help.

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Choice of showerheads and faucet aerators

Aerated faucets and low-flow showerheads can save nearly 3,500 gallons of water annually. Whether you need a pot filler designed with a high-arc spout for your kitchen or something for your bathroom, buy one that comes with an aerator and leak-proof material. The small metal screen on the tap helps eject a broader stream of water for efficient use while leak-proof construction prevents it from getting wasted.  Similarly, low-flow showerheads reduce water flow along with maintaining its effectiveness. Traditional designs consume 2.5 gallons of water per minute. Since showering uses up to 17% of residential water needed for indoor work, checking on this amount can be helpful.

Don’t have a low-flow showerhead? Even without this, you can make a difference by tweaking your showering rituals. If you stay in the shower for too long, bring it down to five minutes. It should not be running when you shave or apply soap on yourself. Not washing hair frequently can also be a good trick.


Some studies reveal that dishwashers use nearly 50% less water compared to handwashing the dishes. So it can be an eco-friendly and comfortable switch. Since these appliances tend to be energy efficient compared to heating and pumping, you can consider this option. If you already have one, you can follow a few things to avoid overuse of water: wash full loads, stay away from heat-dry and pre-rinse functions, scrape the food residue into the compost before adding dishes, and open the door after the completion of the cycle to air dry your dishes.

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Some homes may not afford a dishwasher. In that case, they can rely on their two-bowl sink. They can soak and soap their dishes on one side and rinse them on the other.

Replacement of old units

A typical American household uses nearly 82 gallons of water, which you can decrease by 20% by moving to water-saving appliances. It is more relevant for toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers. Such designs often come with the WaterSense label that differentiates them from traditional units. If you manage to get them, you will experience significant water-saving. Some believe that an eco-friendly toilet can reduce consumption by 16,000 gallons of water a year for a family of four. If your washing machine is old, get a new model with high water efficiency. Even then, it would be best if you run it only when you have a sufficient number of clothes to wash.

Buying new appliances can be costly. But it is an opportunity to save water. Since you can expect your water bills to be lower, the total cost of the new products will be easy to recover over time.


Some people use synthetic fertilizers, gas-powered mowers, and other things, which negatively impact the environment. With this, it requires 30% of drinking water for maintenance and sometimes 70% in summers. You can ditch the water-intensive lawns for monocropping. Opt for native species that thrive in local weather conditions and depend on less water. These plants can be suitable for mammals, birds, and insects. Such a lawn can also be healthy for your backyard. To tackle with dry climate, you can get drought-resistant plants to avoid frequent watering. You can quickly get various choices in grass, tree, and shrub.


Stale water bin

You can buy a beverage dispenser or a large pitcher to pour the unfinished glasses of liquid into them. Make sure to do this, especially during parties when people drink a lot of lemonade and water and waste them too. You can water your houseplants with this. Along this line, you have to wash fruits and vegetables in the kitchen almost daily. Don’t drain that water out, as you can use the stored water for indoor and outdoor plants.

Like these, there are endless simple things to implement in your home for saving water. Initially, it can take time to adjust. But once it becomes your second nature, you will start enjoying these little decisions. However, the impact will not be small. Each drop of water you save allows someone else to get access to it. Unknowingly, you end up helping so many people and, knowingly, the environment at its best. Hence, it can be the correct investment of your time and efforts. So, get going and look for leaks. Fix all the places where you encounter such signs. Replace old appliances with better options. Use water carefully and prevent wastage as much as possible.

You don’t have to start big with this. Smaller and sustainable efforts can create enormous effects instead.

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