August 17, 2021

Python and javascript are two different languages. However, being two different languages, both of them are object-oriented but with two different scopes. Python vs javascript share too many similarities but some major variations.

One can get way too many job opportunities in both languages, python and javascript. Students can easily choose one of these two programming languages if they think of coding as a good career option.

If you just want to learn to program and are looking for the best language to start with. Then you should go with Python because comparatively learning python is easier than learning Javascript. Moreover, one of the primary design goals of the Python programming language is that it is simple to comprehend and use.

But before directly jumping into the difference between Python vs Javascript. Let’s have a look at Python and Javascript.



Python is a dynamically typed, interpreted programming language with object-oriented design and dynamic semantics. It’s designed to be simple to read and use.

Python may also be used to create web applications as a scripting language similar to Perl and Ruby. Python’s attractiveness is that it allows programmers to employ a variety of programming methods to create complicated and simple programs.

Python is a programming language with “batteries included,” which simply means that it comes with a large number of modules. Python supports the following programming paradigms.


  • Functional programming is a type of programming that is used to solve
  • Imperative programming is a type of programming that is used to solve problems.
  • Object-oriented programming is a type of programming that uses objects to solve problems.
  • Procedural programming is a type of programming that follows a set of rules.


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JavaScript, also known as JS, is a popular object-oriented programming language for building dynamic web pages. The ECMAScript language specification includes it as a standard. In addition to OOP, JS supports functional and imperative programming paradigms.

In a web browser, JS is often used to provide dynamic functionality that can’t be performed with CSS or HTML. JavaScript also allows you to use data, text, and regular expressions to create basic web apps.




ARRAYSArrays are supported as built-in data types in JavaScript.Although arrays are not supported natively in Python. When it comes to implementing arrays in Python, there is a shortcut.
ATTRIBUTES AND PROPERTIESProperties on JavaScript objects can be made up of underlying attributes. It allows you to specify a property.The descriptor protocol in Python allows you to define an attribute by using getter and setter functions.
CODE BLOCKSCurly brackets are used in JavaScript to define code blocks.Indentation is used to define code blocks in Python.
ENCODING FORMATUTF-16 encoding is recommended for JavaScript. Furthermore, the programming language has no built-in functionality for manipulating raw bytes.Python source code is ASCII by default unless an encoding option is provided.
SCOPEJavaScript is an excellent choice for developing a website or native application.Python is an excellent choice for data analytics, machine learning, and math-intensive jobs.
OBJECT ASSESSPython features a self-argument as the first parameter for each method. The ‘this’ method in JavaScript, is used to access objects.
MUTABILITYIn Python, there are two forms of data: mutable and immutable. A set, for example, is a mutable data type, whereas a list is immutable.The values of mutable objects can be altered after they have been allocated values. Immutable objects, on the other hand, cannot modify their values. In contrast to Python, JavaScript does not have a concept of mutability.
MOBILE DEVELOPMENTJavaScript is a good alternative for mobile development in addition to front-end and back-end programming. Python, on the other hand, is not well suited to the development of mobile applications.


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Now that you have read the blog so far, you must have got the conclusion. That there is no definite answer to Python vs Javascript. A python is a good approach for you to start if you are planning to learn to program. Python is highly used in AI that is Artificial Intelligence and ML that is Machine Learning. One more reason for Javascript’s popularity is that most of the developers already know its working. Nevertheless, either programming language you choose, you won’t regret it. So pick one, enroll in the appropriate course, and get started on your path to a demanding and fulfilling profession. We wish you all the best for your future.




  1. What is Python?

Ans. Python is a dynamically typed, interpreted programming language with object-oriented design and dynamic semantics. It’s designed to be simple to read and use.

Python may also be used to create web applications as a scripting language similar to Perl and Ruby. Python’s attractiveness is that it allows programmers to employ a variety of programming methods to create complicated and simple programs.


  1. What is Javascript?

Ans. JavaScript, also known as JS, is a popular object-oriented programming language for building dynamic web pages. The ECMAScript language specification includes it as a standard. In addition to OOP, JS supports functional and imperative programming paradigms.

In a web browser, JS is often used to provide dynamic functionality that can’t be performed with CSS or HTML. JavaScript also allows you to use data, text, and regular expressions to create basic web apps.


  1. What is the difference between python vs javascript?
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  • Each language has its own set of applications. Python, on the other hand, can accomplish practically anything that JavaScript can.
  • Many characteristics of both programming languages are similar. Taking a multi-paradigm approach and being lexically scoped are two examples. However, there are major distinctions between the two that should not be overlooked.
  • There are many libraries and extensions for Python and JavaScript that allow you to do more than what’s built-in. Despite the fact that both feature a variety of job openings. Python has a larger market share and is simple to learn.
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