October 28, 2021

The number one reason you should not carry your cell phone to bed is that you are sleeping. Cell phones have over-speeded into becoming an extension of ourselves and are now becoming a source of stress for us. You may be the kind of person who never sleeps, and if this is true, then you should probably stop carrying your phone. Instead, you should go ahead and wake up when you can or have a small flashlight to light up the way in case there is anyone out there. If you cannot do that, then you should at least hide the phone away from where you sleep as far as possible.

Another reason you should not carry your cell phone to bed is because you may wake up one day to find out that the battery has blown or maybe the screen has become cracked. Your cell phone was probably left on the table or somewhere on the bed, which would result in the damage. It would be best if you first looked into having a surge protector installed on your phone. It will protect the battery and the screen and help keep the phone from overheating and damaging either of these devices. It would help if you also considered getting a case for your phone. These cases help to keep the phone clean and also prevent it from getting scratched. Also, if you are using a proven tip to fix your sleep schedule or any sized pillow, you should never keep your cell phone under it as it can affect your brain.

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There are several reasons you should not carry your cell phone to bed, but these are just a few. Instead, you should use a charger to recharge the phone if it dries out while you are in the middle of a call. If you cannot afford to get a charger or are worried about leaving your expensive phone in a drawer, then you can always bring it with you in the form of a portable battery. Just make sure that you recharge the battery regularly; otherwise, you will be left without a phone.

Why Should You Ditch The Cell Phone Before Going To Bed

One of the most common complaints of cell phone users is feeling anxious while trying to relax or fall asleep. It may startle you if you pick up your cell phone and hear an unfamiliar number ring. If that person were a friend, you would feel much better, but unfortunately, it’s not always good. Receiving unknown calls or texts can cause stress and worry. Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t carry your cell phone to bed.

  • A reason you should not carry your cell phone to bed is that it is straightforward to sneak other callers’ calls. You can do this by pressing the send key without displaying any additional visible information. This will allow other people to eavesdrop on your conversation. You may find yourself talking to your husband or wife about other people you know who are staying around when you aren’t everywhere.
  • Cell phones can also cause accidental wake-ups when you take a break from holding the phone. There are times when we get interrupted in our daily routine by calls or text messages. It is straightforward to miss the break, pause, dial tone, and then immediately pick back up again.
  • The main reason why you should not carry your cell phone to bed is safety. You will probably use your phone the most at night, especially if you constantly text during the day. The last thing you want to do is drop your phone and bang your head on the hard surface of your bed. This could result in brain damage or death, especially if it were an accident.
  • The following reason you should not carry your cell phone to bed is that it is very inconvenient. Cell phones are quickly forgotten while sleeping, which means that you have to wake up and take the phone from your ear or mouth. In addition, you will be tempted to text during the night and check your email. It is easy to download games and videos onto your cell phone when you are sleeping, which could cause problems later in the day.
  • There are also arguments that suggest that cell phones are bad for your health. The main statement says that the radiation from your phone is very harmful and could lead to cancer and brain tumor. This has been proven by many studies done in America and Europe. Although no clear-cut facts are stating that your phone is causing cancer, it is always best to keep your cell phone usage to a minimum.
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Those are only a few of the reasons why you should not carry your cell phones to bed. You could use a Blackberry or another cell phone carrier that is restricted to being used in specific locations if you want to. Some people even choose to have a separate pocket for their cell phones that they bring to work with them.

If you are still asking “why you should not carry your cell phone to bed,” then consider these reasons and stop wondering. If you carry yours in your pocket or purse, make sure that it is in a visible location that you can reach quickly. If possible, remove it entirely while you are asleep. If all else fails, you may consider changing your cell phone plan to a cheaper one until you find a way to let go of your dependency on cell phones.

Finally, keep in mind that cell phones are costly. You can spend thousands of dollars to have an excellent cell phone package. Fortunately, it is possible to find affordable cell phones. It would help if you tried to get the best cell phone plan that suits your needs but make sure that you keep in mind the reasons mentioned above.

Too much usage of cell phones also affects sleep, and you need to do remedies to get proper sleep. If you are planning to use essential oils, you must use the lavender essential one as it can help soothe the nerves in the brain.

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If you want to know why you should not carry your cell phone to bed? Just find the information that you need to know and follow the instructions. Remember that cell phones are not very useful if they are not being used in bed. So make sure that you are using it often enough, and you will never need to worry about the reasons why you should not carry your cell phone to bed.

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