March 1, 2023


Amanda Marugán is an entrepreneur, content creator, and influencer who has made a name for herself in the online space. Her journey towards wealth has been inspiring and eye-opening. After researching her net worth, we are amazed to find out the surprising figures we never thought existed. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at Amanda’s wealth journey, her net worth, and how she achieved her success.

The Beginning of Her Journey:

Amanda Marugán did not have an easy start in life. She grew up in a small town with her parents, brothers, and sisters. Her parents didn’t have much money, so Amanda learned the value of hard work early on. As a child, she helped her parents with their small business and worked odd jobs to earn extra money.

Amanda had a passion for beauty and fashion from a young age. She used her passion to start a blog in the early 2010s, where she shared her tips and tricks with people interested in fashion. Her blog was a hit, and Amanda found herself getting popular in the online space.

Building Her Brand:

Amanda’s blog success led to more opportunities, and soon she was being offered business deals and partnerships. Amanda was determined to make the most of these opportunities, and she started exploring different avenues to grow her brand. She started offering makeup tutorials and beauty tips on YouTube, and soon amassed a following of fans who loved her style and fashion sense. Amanda used her brand to establish partnerships with leading beauty and fashion companies, which further brought her to the limelight.

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Amanda’s Surprising Net Worth:

Today, after more than a decade of hard work and dedication, Amanda Marugán’s net worth is estimated to be $10 million. Amanda’s wealth journey is not without challenges, but her persistence and hard work have paid off. Amanda’s success is attributed to her brand building strategies, diversified sources of income, and intelligent money management.

Amanda’s Investment Choices:

Amanda Marugán is an investor, too. She has made smart investment choices, which have contributed significantly to her net worth. One of her noteworthy investments is her real estate portfolio. Amanda owns several properties and rental apartments, which have brought her passive income. Her interest in growing her wealth led her to make calculated investment choices in stocks and bonds, which has helped her grow her wealth further.

Amanda’s Philanthropic work:

Amanda Marugán’s journey towards wealth has not been a selfish one. She is a philanthropist at heart and has vocally supported several charitable causes. Amanda has supported organizations that promote education, social justice, and women’s rights. She has contributed funds to disaster relief efforts, and her social media platforms serve as a platform for her to amplify positive messages to her millions of followers.

Amanda’s Future Plans:

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Amanda Marugán shows no signs of slowing down, and her future plans are more exciting than ever. She plans to expand her brand further in fashion and beauty products, launch her skincare line, and ramp up her investment activities. Her long-term goal is to establish an entrepreneurial academy to help young people like herself achieve their financial goals and fulfill their dreams.


Q1: How does Amanda Marugán make her money?

As an entrepreneur, content creator, and investor, Amanda Marugán makes her money through several sources. Amanda makes money from her beauty and fashion blog, brand partnerships, and affiliate marketing. She also earns through her YouTube channel, endorsing products, real estate investments, and stock trading.

Q2: What are Amanda Marugán’s most significant investments?

Amanda Marugán has invested in real estate and stock trading. She owns multiple properties, including rental apartments, which bring passive income. She also invests in bonds and mutual funds, which grow her wealth further.

Q3: What charitable causes has Amanda Marugán supported?

Amanda Marugán is a philanthropist who supports several charitable causes. She has supported organizations that promote education, social justice, and women’s rights. She has contributed funds to disaster relief efforts, and her social media platforms serve as a platform for her to amplify positive messages to her millions of followers.

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Q4: What is Amanda Marugán’s total net worth?

Amanda Marugán’s net worth is estimated to be around $10 million.

Q5: What are Amanda Marugán’s future plans?

Amanda Marugán plans to expand her brand further in fashion and beauty products, launch her skincare line, and increase her investment activities.

Q6: What is Amanda Marugán’s primary source of income?

Amanda Marugán’s primary source of earning is her beauty and fashion blog, brand partnerships, and affiliate marketing. She also earns through her YouTube channel, endorsing products, and investment activities.

Q7: What advice does Amanda Marugán give to aspiring entrepreneurs?

Amanda Marugán advises aspiring entrepreneurs to follow their passion and remain persistent through the ups and downs. She also encourages entrepreneurs to network, learn from their failures, and invest wisely to grow their wealth.


Amanda Marugán’s unexpected and inspiring wealth journey offers a lot to learn from, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs. Her story shows that hard work, persistence, and intelligent money management can lead to great success. Amanda Marugán’s future plans promise to bring many exciting opportunities, and we cannot wait to see what she accomplishes next. Her investments and charitable causes also show that wealth creation can be meaningful and rewarding when done right. As Amanda exemplifies, it is crucial to follow your passions while giving back, maintaining persistence and intelligent financial management to grow wealth.

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