March 1, 2023


Kraig Decker is an American entrepreneur who has amassed a multi-million dollar net worth through his various business ventures. While many people dream of becoming wealthy, few actually achieve it like Kraig has. In this blog post, we will uncover the secrets behind Kraig Decker’s success and explore how he made his fortune.

Section 1: A Young Entrepreneur:

Kraig Decker was born into a family of entrepreneurs, so it’s no surprise that he followed in their footsteps. At a young age, Kraig showed a keen interest in starting his own business. He began selling lemonade and then moved on to creating a t-shirt printing business with his brother. This early exposure to entrepreneurship laid the foundation for Kraig’s future success.

Section 2: College Days:

After finishing high school, Kraig attended Indiana University, where he studied business. During his time in college, Kraig continued to build his entrepreneurial skills, founding a company called “”, which provided websites to fraternities and sororities. This business proved to be successful and was eventually sold for a significant profit.

Section 3: Unique Business Ventures:

One hallmark of Kraig Decker’s success has been his ability to think outside of the box. He has been involved in a wide range of businesses, from a mattress recycling company to a shipping container storage company. By identifying unique opportunities, Kraig has been able to create successful businesses in industries that others may have overlooked.

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Section 4: Shark Tank Deal:

Kraig’s success caught the attention of the producers of the hit television show “Shark Tank”. In 2013, Kraig appeared on the show, pitching his invention, the “RuckPack Energy Shot”. The product, which was designed for military personnel, was a hit with the sharks, and Kraig walked away with a deal from investor Robert Herjavec.

Section 5: Military Ties:

Kraig’s experience with the military has been a recurring theme throughout his career. He served in the Marine Corps and has used that experience to create products targeted towards military personnel, such as the RuckPack Energy Shot. In addition, Kraig has been involved in businesses that provide services to the military, such as his shipping container storage company.

Section 6: Real Estate Investments:

Another aspect of Kraig’s success has been his investments in real estate. He has owned and managed several commercial properties throughout his career, providing a solid stream of income to supplement his other ventures. Kraig has also been involved in flipping houses, buying distressed properties, and selling them after renovations.

Section 7: The Importance of Networking:

Kraig Decker has always put a high value on networking and building relationships. Through his involvement in the business community and his military connections, Kraig has been able to make valuable connections that have helped him succeed. By building a network of support and seeking out mentors, Kraig has been able to learn from those who have gone before him.

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Q1: What is Kraig Decker’s net worth?

A: Kraig Decker’s net worth is estimated to be in the multi-millions.

Q2: What was Kraig’s first business venture?

A: Kraig’s first business venture was selling lemonade, followed by a t-shirt printing business with his brother.

Q3: What is the RuckPack Energy Shot?

A: The RuckPack Energy Shot is a product designed for military personnel that provides a boost of energy and other health benefits.

Q4: What other businesses has Kraig been involved in?

A: Kraig has been involved in businesses such as mattress recycling, shipping container storage, and real estate investments.

Q5: What role has networking played in Kraig’s success?

A: Networking has been important in Kraig’s success, allowing him to build relationships and learn from those who have gone before him.

Q6: How did Kraig’s military experience influence his business ventures?

A: Kraig’s military experience influenced his business ventures in targeting products and services towards military personnel.

Q7: What advice does Kraig have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

A: Kraig advises aspiring entrepreneurs to think outside of the box, seek out mentors, and build a network of support.


Kraig Decker’s success story is an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. By combining his military experience with his entrepreneurial spirit and unique business ideas, Kraig has created a multi-million dollar net worth. However, behind his success, lies a commitment to hard work, networking, and a willingness to adapt and take risks. If you have a dream of achieving financial success, Kraig Decker’s story serves as a reminder that it’s possible with dedication and the right mindset.

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