March 10, 2023


When it comes to the music industry, names such as Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Drake come to mind. However, many artists have made a significant impact but have not received the same level of recognition. Toshio Miyashita is one such artist. Despite his low profile in the music industry, his contributions to the Japanese electronic music genre are significant. In this blog post, we explore Toshio Miyashita’s astonishing net worth and delve deeper into his life.

Early Life and Career

Toshio Miyashita was born in 1957 in Tokyo, Japan. During his early days, he showed a keen interest in music, and by the age of 12, he started experimenting with electronic music. In the early 1980s, Toshio formed the iconic band Plastics, which became widely popular in Japan. The band consisted of Toshio, Masahide Sakuma, and Takemi Shima. They released several successful albums that helped shape the Japanese electronic music scene.

Toshio Miyashita’s Net Worth

Toshio Miyashita’s net worth is a topic of interest among his fans and music lovers worldwide. According to sources, his current net worth is estimated to be around $5 million. Although this figure is not as much compared to other music legends, it is impressive by any standards. Toshio Miyashita’s net worth comes from his music career, collaborations, and other ventures.

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Collaborations and Notable Works

Toshio Miyashita’s music career spans over four decades, and he has collaborated with several artists worldwide. In 1981, he collaborated with the legendary British band the Flying Lizards, who were famous for their hit version of “Money (That’s What I Want).” Toshio also worked with Tomoyasu Hotei, a notable Japanese singer and composer. Their collaboration album, “Electric Samurai,” was widely popular.

One of Toshio’s notable works was the soundtrack of the Japanese horror movie “Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan.” The soundtrack became an instant hit and is widely praised for its innovation and haunting melodies. The soundtrack remains popular to this day and has influenced several contemporary musicians in Japan.

Real Estate Ventures

Apart from his music career, Toshio Miyashita also invested in real estate in Japan. He invested in several properties during the 1990s, which helped him secure his financial future. According to sources, he continues to invest in properties in and around Tokyo.

Toshio Miyashita’s Personal Life

Toshio Miyashita is known for his low profile and private nature. Not much is known about his personal life, and he prefers to maintain a low profile. However, his music talent is widely recognized and celebrated worldwide.

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1. What is Toshio Miyashita known for?

Toshio Miyashita is known for his contributions to the Japanese electronic music genre. He formed the band Plastics in the early 1980s, which became widely popular in Japan.

2. What is Toshio Miyashita’s net worth?

Toshio Miyashita’s net worth is estimated to be around $5 million.

3. What are Toshio Miyashita’s notable works?

Toshio Miyashita’s notable works include his collaborations with the Flying Lizards and Tomoyasu Hotei. He also composed the soundtrack for the Japanese horror movie “Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan.”

4. Does Toshio Miyashita invest in real estate?

Yes, Toshio Miyashita invests in real estate in Japan.

5. Is Toshio Miyashita private about his personal life?

Yes, Toshio Miyashita is known for his low profile and private nature.

6. What other ventures has Toshio Miyashita been involved in?

Apart from his music career and real estate ventures, Toshio Miyashita has not been involved in any notable ventures.

7. What is Toshio Miyashita’s influence on contemporary music in Japan?

Toshio Miyashita’s music talent is widely recognized and celebrated worldwide. His works have influenced several contemporary musicians in Japan.


Toshio Miyashita’s contributions to the Japanese electronic music genre are significant, and his music talent is widely recognized and celebrated worldwide. He may not be as popular as other music legends, but his net worth is impressive by any standards. Toshio Miyashita is a testament to the fact that true talent and hard work can help you achieve success and secure your financial future. Let’s celebrate Toshio Miyashita’s legacy and contributions to the music industry.

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