December 21, 2021


Flooring keeps on passing from generations, and thus they suffer from wear and tear over time. However, even the most challenging hardwood floor has one fatal flaw: water.

If hardwood floors are exposed to sufficient moisture, they will be irrevocably damaged. With time your hardwood warps, bends, and bows creating surfaces. Furthermore, mildew and dangerous mould can grow in places difficult to notice or access!

In this piece, goes over five accessible variables that affect your hardwood floor! We will also discuss whether water removal services are required to restore water-damaged hardwood floors.

1) The Quantity of Water Damage Caused by Hardwood Flooring


The amount of water is directly proportional to the damage to this part. The more significant the amount of water on the floor, the greater the risk of injury. Every day, a one-eighth-inch fracture in a pipe can cause 200 gallons of water, inflicting substantial damage to your hardwood flooring.

When a 100-gallon fish tank and a one-gallon fishbowl are dropped on a hardwood, the larger container will do the most damage since it carries more water and hence has a greater possibility of water infiltrating into the wood.

2) Time Duration Water has accumulated on the wooden floors.

Time is a critical consideration in deciding whether to repair or replace hardwood flooring. The longer water is allowed to lie on a hardwood floor, the more damage it does. If water has been on the floor for more than 24 hours, the chances of needing to replace the whole floor increase significantly.

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3) The Water Source


When thinking about refinishing your hardwood floors, keep four types of water in mind.

  • Clean Water:Water damage caused by pure water is the least damaging since it is freshwater with no harmful microorganisms. An overflowing sink or bathtub is an example of clean water damage. In this case, depending on how much water is present and how quickly it can be drained, it is unlikely that the floor will need to be rebuilt.
  • Grey Water:Consider greywater to be polluted water. Dishwashers and washing machines are frequently connected with dirty water, and the water is unclean because it has been polluted with cleaning products such as bleach or dishwashing soap.
  • Black Water:The most damaging sort of water damage is black water. Blackwater is produced by contaminated sewage, typically in the form of an overflowing toilet. Blackwater not only stinks, but it also includes pathogens, which are hazardous germs that may lead to the transmission of numerous diseases. If there has been standing water on the hardwood floors for a lengthy period, the flooring will probably need to be replaced.
  • Salt Water:Saltwater fish aquariums are a frequent example. If the saltwater fish tank leaks onto the hardwood and is not wiped up immediately, the general finish of this part may be affected.
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4) Damage That Can Be Seen


Examine the visible physical damage to the hardwood before deciding whether to repair or replace it. When inspecting visible physical damage to your hardwood flooring, look for the four symptoms listed below:

  • Cupping:Moisture build-up in hardwood flooring causes the sides or edges to expand and become uneven. As a result, the sides protrude and are not parallel to the wood’s centre.
  • Crowning occurs when the wood planks are pressed together due to moisture buildup. Depending on the moisture present, this form of physical damage might result in the wooden planks jutting out or the wood permanently shrinking. The sooner you identify the cause of the issue and dry out the flooring; the less likely the hardwood floors will need to be replaced.
  • Buckling:Buckling occurs when individual pieces of hardwood wood separate from the flooring and protrude. Buckling is often caused by significant water damage from substantial floods. Buckling is among the most important kinds of physical harm; thus, repairing the hardwood flooring is your best option in the long run.
  • Staining:The staining of hardwood floors caused by water damage is called staining. Stains are classified into two types: white stains and black stains. White colours emerge on your hardwood floors as white circles, indicating that moisture accumulation has moderately deteriorated the floor’s finish. White stains may be easily cleaned using everyday household items like mayonnaise, olive oil and vinegar combination, and white toothpaste. In contrast, black colours indicate water has absorbed and saturated the wood, demanding more extensive repairs. If black water stains are found in time, and the hardwood is thoroughly dried, they are not impossible to remove.
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5) Repairing the Damage


Before deciding to repair your water-damaged hardwood flooring, consider the following:

What is the extent of the damage?

If the damage is minor and requires simple necessities, you may be able to repair it yourself and avoid replacing the hardwood flooring. If the injury is more serious, such as floor buckling, it may be time to reconsider whether it is worth repairing or replacing the floor entirely.

Is it evident how to fix the problem for me?

If you have the abilities, knowledge, and cash to refinish your hardwood, you can go ahead. Otherwise, if your hardwood have more damage than you thought and that you need to replace them, it may be time to call your insurance provider and file a claim. Then, have a water damage restoration company come to your house and do the required repairs. If it saves your money, go ahead and do it!

If the damages are severe and you do not feel comfortable restoring them yourself, a restoration company should be contacted. We will give you a free consultation and even help you file a claim with your insurance company.

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