December 6, 2021

Class 10 is often called the gateway for a future career or career shaper. Performing well in this class is extremely important. The admissions for higher studies depend on board exam marks. It will be better for students if they are preparing for the olympiad. As these exams build up a path to the board exams. Olympiad exams develop a deeper understanding of scientific facts and other related principles, to upgrade their reasoning, analytical, computational, and problem-solving skills.


Olympiad questions for class 10 help students to analyze their level of knowledge in basic and core concepts. By preparing for the Maths Olympiad in class 10, students can get a clear idea about all the concepts.


Maths Olympiad has its advantages. It is best suited for all math wizards. The exam motivates students to endeavor a better understanding of the core concepts. It offers a great platform for students and maths enthusiasts to show their talent. The exam boosts maths skills. Also improves critical thinking, computational, numerical skills, and abstraction skills. Therefore maths olympiad is worth investing your time and energy. Having good scores in the maths olympiad adds additional value when you apply for higher educations or any jobs.


The level and complexity of the exam are high but it can bring a sense of seriousness and responsibility among students. The exam makes them more stable. The exam has its significance. Students need to know every bit about the concepts and this knowledge makes them develop and grow infinitely. And also learn a lot in the process of preparing for exams it makes them more potent and capable to survive in this modern competitive world. Students learn sportsman spirit.

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Class 10 Maths Olympiad is conducted at both international and national organized by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) on behalf of the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. It is a two-level exam. Students who qualify level-1 with high scores will be eligible to attend the level-2 exam.  class 10 maths olympiad is conducted by the Indian Talent Olympiad (ITO) in various schools across India.


Students should have a strong and basic understanding of the concepts and topics to score high marks in the exam. Most of the questions will be technical and tricky to test the numerical ability of the students. To prepare for the exam, it is necessary to have a good hand over practicing maths. Students are first advised to download the maths Olympiad Syllabus from the official website to understand the important portions that will be asked in the exams. Students must thoroughly go through the entire syllabus and understand the concepts. The topics covered in the syllabus are based on the academic syllabus as prescribed by NCERT.


  1. Exam pattern: 


The multiple-choice questions, numeric answers, or a detailed written solution or proof based on the topics. The test duration is 1-hour and there will be a total of 50 questions. The question paper contains technical questions.  The 60% of level-I questions will be asked only from the current syllabus of class 10 and 40% from previous classes like from classes 8 and 9. The first 15 questions carry 1 mark each, the second 20 questions carry 1 mark each, the third 10 questions carry 1 mark each and the last 5 questions are from achiever’s section questions and carry 3 marks for each question. The questions from the Achievers sections will be asked from the current syllabus of class 10.

  • Pattern for level 1:
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The Question Paper Consists of four Sections:


SectionsNumber of questionsTotal marks
1.      Logical Reasoning15 (1 mark per question)15
2.      Mathematical Reasoning20 (1 mark per question)20
3.      Everyday Mathematics10 (1 mark per question)10
4.      Achievers section5 (3 marks per question)15
Grand Total5060


The top 5% of students will be eligible for the Level 2 exam from each class. level 2 is very challenging and is based on pure mathematics. Students really need to work very hard to qualify for level-2. A student qualifying for the Level 2 exam does not need to register again for Level 2. There are only two sections for level 2. A total of 50 questions with an hour duration. Questions of level-2 Olympiad exams will be from the class 10 syllabus only. The top 5 percent of students from each class will be eligible for level 2. Top 25 Rank holders from zone wise and class wise are also eligible. Class toppers from each participating school should score 50% qualifying marks to qualify for level 2.

  • Exam pattern for level 2
SectionsNumber of questions Total Marks
Mathematics45 (1 mark per question)45
Achievers section5 (3 marks per question)15
Grand Total5060

Syllabus: Go through the entire syllabus and get reference material to study the various topics of IMO.


Section-1 (Logical Reasoning)Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Section-2 (Mathematical Reasoning)●     Number system (Real number),

●     Comparing Quantities (GST & Banking),

●      Linear equation, Arithmetic progression (A.P.),

●      Polynomials (Quadratic equation),

●     Matrices,

●     Co-ordinate Geometry,

●     Triangles,

●     Circle and its Area,

●     Probability & Permutation,

●     Combination, Mensuration,

●     Trigonometry,

●     Statistics,

●     Data Handling

Section-3 (Everyday Mathematics)Refer to the Mathematical Reasoning section
Section 4 – Achievers SectionHigher Order Thinking Questions (HOTS) + Refer to Section–2 for the syllabus.






  1. Workbooks and previous year papers:


Workbooks for the class 10 maths olympiad will be available on the internet or any books. They have to practice it daily, prepare notes accordingly. Practicing previous year question papers helps students to get used to the format of the questions, and weightage for different questions. To reduce the pressure of exams, students should solve Mathematical Olympiad sample questions and practice last year’s question papers. so that you will know about the kind of questions that will be asked in the exam, and chapter-wise (weightage). It is a good practice to set a time for solving each paper and evaluate the time spend on each question. Practice daily and as many sample question papers as possible. Sample question papers are available on the internet or they can refer to IMO Maths Olympiad Previous Year Question Paper Class 10

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